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书名 | 数字化可摘局部义齿修复技术(从设计解析到实操技巧英文版)(精) |
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出版社 | 人民卫生出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书主要介绍了一种结合数字化技术,创新卡环设计,新材料应用,提升可摘局部义齿质量、疗效以及义齿制作效率的微创修复技术。包括美观卡环的概念、分类设计与临床路径,数字化技术在可摘局部义齿中的发展与应用,数字化可摘局部义齿修复案例,医技信息交流等4个部分,共7章内容。本书不但适合口腔执业医师、口腔修复专科医师、口腔修复技师进行口腔修复学专科临床技术的学习,还适合口腔医学生与口腔医疗行业工作者了解最新的口腔修复学学科进展。 作者简介 于海洋,教授、主任医师、博士生导师、一级临床专家。四川大学口腔修复国家临床重点专科负责人,擅长显微美学修复和数字种植修复。现任教育部口腔医学教学指导委员会秘书长,中华口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会副主任委员,口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室副主任。教育部新世纪优秀人才,四川省卫计委有突出贡献中青年专家、大美医者。先后主持国家及省部级项目20余项,发表SCI论文96篇,主笔国家及行业标准6项;《口腔修复学》国家精品资源共享课负责人;第一授权人获国家专利16项,转化实施7项;研究成果获教育部自然科学一等奖、教学成果获国家教学成果二等奖。主编《口腔固定修复学》《口腔医学美学》规划教材,以及《美学修复临床设计》《美观卡环修复技术》等16部专著。 目录 1 How to Improve the Esthetics of Clasps 1.1 Invisibility of Clasps Characterized by Modified Materia 1.1.1 Elastic Resin 1.1.2 Tooth Color Resin 1.1.3 Transparent Resin 1.1.4 High-Elasticity Casting Alloy 1.2 Using Esthetic Retention Area to Change Clasp Design and Reduce Exposure 1.2.1 Esthetic Abutment 1.2.2 Esthetic Path of Insertion 1.2.3 Esthetic Retention Area 1.3 Mechanics Principles and Comparison of the Retention of Esthetic Clasps 1.3.1 Mechanics Principles 1.3.2 Comparison of Retention References 2 Classification and Design of Esthetic Clasp 2.1 Concept of Esthetic Clasp 2.2 Esthetic Clasp for Anterior Teeth 2.2.1 Short Buccally Retained Clasp 2.2.2 C Clasp 2.2.3 L Clasp 2.2.4 Modified RPI Clasp 2.2.5 T Clasp 2.2.6 Adjacent Surface Hidden Clasp 2.2.7 Twin-Flex Clasp 2.3 E-Clasp for Posterior Teeth 2.3.1 Short-Arm Embrasure Clasp 2.3.2 Plate-bar Clasp 2.3.3 Lingually Retained Clasp 2.3.4 RLS Clasp 2.3.5 Terec Hidden Clasp 2.3.6 Saddle-Lock Clasp 2.4 Comparison References 3 Clinical Pathway of Esthetic Clasp Technology 3.1 The First Visit 3.1.1 Reception 3.1.2 Analysis Design 3.1.3 Fill Work Authorization 3.1.4 Make Custom Tray 3.1.5 Tooth Preparation 3.1.6 Impression and Working Model 3.2 The Second Visit 3.2.1 Ty-In of the Framework 3.2.2 Record Jaw Relation 3.2.3 Design Artificial Tooth 3.2.4 Design Base 3.3 The Third Visit 3.3.1 Adjust Position and Occlusior 3.3.2 Grind and Polish 3.3.3 Clinician's Advice References 4 Digitalization in RPD 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Digital Design Terminology 4.2.1 Acquisition of Digital Data 4.2.2 Digital Analysis 4.2.3 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) 4.2.4 Import and Arrangement 4.2.5 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 4.2.6 Post-processing 4.3 Digital Design Principles 4.3.1 Digital Process of RPD 4.3.2 Comparison of Digital and Traditional Frameworks 4.4 Application of RD Designer Software in RPD 4.4.1 RD Designer 4.4.2 Working Principles of RD Designer 4.4.3 Digital Workflow of RD Designer 4.4.4 Future of RD Designer 5 DLD (Digital Line Design): Esthetic Analysis and Design 5.1 Esthetic Analysis 5.2 Preliminary Design of the Digital Frameworks of RPD 5.2.1 E-Clasp Digital Design 5.2.2 DLD Facial Fitting 5.2.3 Personalized Tooth Shape and Color Design 5.2.4 Making Wax-Up Appearance 5.3 Accurate Tooth Preparation 5.4 The Digital Frameworks of RPD Design and Production 5.5 Personalized Porcelain Teeth and Simulation Denture Base Production References 6 Case Analysis of Esthetic Clasp 6.1 Case 1 6.2 Case 2 6.3 Case 3 6.4 Case 4 6.5 Case 5 6.6 Case 6 6.7 Case 7 6.8 Case 8 6.9 Case 9 6.10 Case 10 6.11 Case 11 6.12 Case 12 6.13 Case 13 6.14 Case 14 6.15 Case 15 6.16 Case 16 6.17 Case 17 6.18 Case 18 6.19 Case 19 6.20 Case 20 6.21 Case 21 6.22 Case 22 6.23 Case 23 6.24 Case 24 6.25 Case 25 6.26 Case 26 6.27 Case 27 6.28 Case 28 6.29 Case 29 6.30 Case 30 6.31 Case 31 6.32 Case 32 6.33 Case 33 References 7 Communication and Cooperation Between Clinicians and Technicians 7.1 General Process of Clinician-Patient-Technician Communication 7.1.1 Fill Work Authorization Form 7.1.2 Transfer Digital Image Data 7.1.3 Communicate Directly 7.2 The Necessity of Digitalization in Clinician-Patient-Technician Communication and Cooperation 7.2.1 The Basic Meaning of Digital Clinician-Patient-Technician Communication and Cooperation 7.2.2 The Necessity of Digitalization in Clinician-Patient-Technician Communication and Cooperation 7.3 T |
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