This is a new textbook prepared by the Beijing Languages Institute and intended for foreign learners in a course of modern Chinese at universities or secondary schools. The beginning level consists of two volumes with 50 lessons and a vocabulary of 1,000 basic words.
The situations provided in this textbook centre around two foreign stndents who study Chinese first in their own country (Book Ⅰ) and then in China (Book II). Priority is given to everyday expressions concerning clothing, food, housing, communication, entertainment, social intercourse,etc. And the learners may also get some useful background information regarding Chinas culture, history, local customs and presentday conditions.
Basic Chinese phonetics and grammar are delt with in a way that best solves the specific difficulties of foreign learners. Each lesson is supplemented with a wide and varied selection of exercises.
第三十一课 Lesson 3l
一、课文 Text 我们学了两年的中文了
二、注释 Notes
词头“第” The prefix“第”
时段和时点 A period of time and a point of time
“多”用来询问程度 “多”used to ask about degree or extent
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读短文 Reading Text不认识的朋友
五、语法 Grammar
1.时量补语 The time-measure complement
2.概数“几”和“多” The approximate number indicators
第三十二课 Lesson 32
一、课文 Text 你最近透视过没有
二、注释 Notes
动词“来、去、到”等的时量补语 The time-measure
complement of verbs such as“来、去、到”。
副词“还”(3) The adverb“还”(3)
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读短文 Reading Text 一位留学生的作文
五、语法 Grammar
1.动态助词“过”表示过去的经历 The aspect particle"过"
indicating experience
2.动量补语 The action-measure complement
第三十三课 lesson 33
一、课文 Text 现在下雨了
二、注释 Notes
副词“最”The adverb“最”
量词重叠 The repeated form of measure word
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读短文 Reading Text 北京的天气
五、语法 Grammar
1.无主句 The subjectless sentence
2.语气助词“了”(3) The modal particle"了"(3)
3.“从 到” The construction“从..到”
第三十四课 Lesson 34
一、课文 Text 图片上写着:“怎样写信封’
二、注释 Notes
副词“就”(3)The adverb“就”(3)
动词前边加“一” “一”coming before some verbs
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读短文 Reading Text 士兵与将军
五、语法 Grammar
1.动作的持续 The continuous aspect of an action
2.结构助词“地” The structural particle“地”
3.“有的…有的…” The construction“有的…有的…”
第三十五课 Lesson 35 复习 Revision
一、课文 Text 谈学习
二、注释 Notes
副词“再”(2) The adverb“再”(2)
三、看图会话 Make Conversation After the Pictures
四、语法小结 A Brief Summary of Grammar
1.动词的态 The aspects Of verbs
2.状语和结构助词“地” Adverbial modifiers and the
structural particle“地”
3.副词“再”、“还” The adverbs“再”and“还”
五、语音语调 Pronunciation and Intonation
节奏 Rhythm
意群重音(6) Sense group stress(6)
第三十六课 Lesson 36
一、课文 Text 这套茶具比那套便宜
二、注释 Notes
人民币的计算单位 The counting units of Renminbi
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读课文 Reading Text 画蛇添足
五、语法 Grammar
1.用“比”表示比较(1) “比”used to express comparison(1)
2.用“有”或“没有”表示比较 “有” or“没有” used to express comparison
第三十七课 Lesson 37
一、课文 Text 这件跟那件一样长
二、注释 Notes
“上”和“下”表示次序 “上”and“下” used to indicate
the order of time
一百以上的称数法 The naming of numerals above 100
三、替换与扩展 Substitution and Extension
四、阅读短文 Reading Text“高一点儿”(相声)