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内容推荐 相传古代印度与中国之间有一萨桑国,国王山鲁亚尔生性残暴嫉妒,因王后行为不端,将其杀死,此后每日娶一少女,翌日晨即杀掉,以示报复。宰相的女儿山鲁佐德为拯救无辜的女子,自愿嫁给国王,用讲述故事方法吸引国王,每夜讲到精彩处,天刚好亮了,使国王爱不忍杀,允她下一夜继续讲。她的故事一直讲了一千零一夜,国王终于被感动,与她白首偕老。 目录 INTRODUCTION INVOCATION PROLOGUE The Tale of King Shabriyar and bit Brother Sbabzaman The Fable of the Donkey, the Ox, and the Farmer THE TALE OF THE HUNCHBACK The Tailor's Tale The Tale of the laws Young Man and the Barber of Baghdad The Barber's Tale Th# Tale of Bakbook, the Barber's First Brothor Th# Tale of AI-Haddar, tho Barber's Second Brother The Tale of Bakbak, the Barber's Third Brother The Tale of AI-Kug, the Barber's Fourth Brother The Tale of AI-Ashar, the Barher's Fifth Brother The Tale of Shakasbik, the Barber's Sixth Brother THE DONKEY THE FISHERMAN AND THE JINNEE The Tale of King Yuman and Duban the Doctor The Tale of King Sindbad and the Falcon The Tale of the Encbanted King THE YOUNG WOMAN AND HER FIVE LOVERS SINDBAD THE SAILOR AND SINDBAD THE PORTER The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor The Third Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor The Sixth Voyage of Sindbad the Sallor The Last Voyage of Sindbad the Sallor THE HISTORIC PART ALADDIN AND THE ENCHANTED LAMP THE TALE OF KAFUR THE BLACK EUNUCH THE PORTER AND THE THEEE OIELS OF BAGHDA The Tale of the First Dervisb The Tale of the Second Dervish The Tale of the Third Dervish The Tale of the First Girl The Tale of the Second Girl THE TALE OF KHALIFAH THE FISHERMAN THE DREAM THE TALE OF JUDAR AND HIS BROTHERS THE TALE OF MA'ARUF THE COBBLER BPILOGUE |