简介 |
目录 ContentsPreface-VLtst of contrlbutors - XISongyuan Dai, Li nhua HuChapter1Introduction ——1Li nhua Hu , Songyuan DalChapter 2Nano-semlconductor material5 —— 41Fantai Kong, Songyuan DaiChapter3Th edyes used In dye-sensitized solar cetls ——139Xu Pan , Songyuan DaiChapter4Electrolyte used In dye-sensltlzed solar cell5 ——205Xu PanChapter5Counter electrode for dye-sensltlzed solar cell5 ——269Weiqlng Liu, Songyuan DaiChapter6Photoelectrochemlstry of Interface In dye-sensltlzed solar cells——299Yang Huang, Songyuan DaiChapter 7Structure deslgn and perfonnance simulatlon of dye-sensltlzed solar cells——441Shuanghong Chen , Songyuan OaiChapter 8Pe rformance test and module application of dye-sensltlzed sol.r cell5 ——483Index ——515 |