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书名 局部解剖学图谱(汉英)(精)
分类 科学技术-医学-基础医学
出版社 高等教育出版社
1.颅(前面观)The skull(anterior view)
2.颅(侧面观)The skull(lateral view)
3.颅底(下面观)Base of the skull(inferior view)
4.颅(上面观)The skull(superior view)
5.颅(后面观)The skull(posterior view)
6.颅底(内面观)Base of the skull(internal view)
7.颅底、硬脑膜和脑神经The base of the skull, cerebral dura mater and cranial nerves
8.硬脑膜、硬脑膜窦和脑神经Cerebral dura mater, sinuses of dura mater and cranial nerves
9.矢状窦、横窦和乙状窦的体表投影Surface projections of sagittal sinus, transverse sinus and sigmoid sinus
10.乳突、乙状窦和面神经的关系Relations of the mastoid process and sigmoid sinus to the facial nerve
11.脑干和颈髓(后面观)Brain stem and cervical spinal cord(posterior view)
12.海绵窦(矢状断面)Cavernous sinus(sagittal section)
13.海绵窦(冠状断面)Cavernous sinus(coronal section)
14.海绵窦及其周围结构Cavernous sinus and its surrounding structures
15.颅顶层次Layers of the top of the skull
16.板障静脉Diploic veins
17.头顶的血管和神经Blood vessels and nerves of the top of the head
18.颞区层次Layers of the temporal region
19.脑膜中动脉体表投影Surface projection of the middle meningeal artery
20.脑膜中动脉分布区域Distributional area of the middle meningeal artery
21.眉毛、眉弓和额叶的关系Relations among eyebrow, superciliary arch and frontal lobe
22.面动脉、腮腺、腮腺管和颞浅动脉的体表投影Surface projections of the facial artery, parotid gland, parotid duct and superficial temporal artery
23.头面部血管和神经(侧面观)(1)Blood vessels and nerves of the head and face(lateral view)(1)
24.腮腺The parotid gland
25.腮腺床The parotid bed
26.头面部血管和神经(侧面观)(2)Blood vessels and nerves of the head and face(lateral view)(2)
27.面深层血管和神经(侧面观)(1)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(1)
28.面深层血管和神经(侧面观)(2)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(2)
29.面深层血管和神经(侧面观)(3)Blood vessels and nerves of the deep layer of the face(lateral view)(3)
30.腮腺、舌下腺和下颌下腺Parotid gland, sublingual gland and submandibular gland
31.下颌下三角及其内容Submandibular triangle and its contents
32.面侧区间隙(水平断面)Spaces of the lateral region of the face(horizontal section)
33.面侧区间隙(冠状断面)Spaces of the lateral region of the face(coronal section)
34.颅内、外静脉交通Communications of the intra and extracranial veins
35.新生儿颅骨(前面观)The skull of the newborn infant(anterior view)
36.新生儿倾骨(侧面观)The skull of the newborn infant(lateral view)
37.新生儿颅骨(上面观)The skull of the newborn infant(superior view)
38.新生儿颅底(外面观)Base of the skull of the newborn infant (lateral view)
39.颈部肌肉(前面观)Muscles of the neck(anterior view)
40.颈部肌肉(侧面观)Muscles of the neck(lateral view)
41.颈部浅层结构Structures of the superficial layer of the neck
42.颈动脉三角及其内容(1)Carotid triangle and its contents(1)
43.颈动脉三角及其内容(2)Carotid triangle and its contents(2)
44.枕三角及其内容(1)Occipital triangle and its contents (1)
45.枕三角及其内容(2)Occipital triangle and its contents (2)
46.颈部深层结构Structures of the deep layer of the neck
47.甲状腺及其毗邻(前面观)Thyroid gland and its relations(anterior view)
48.甲状腺及其毗邻(后面观)Thyroid gland and its relations(posterior view)
49.甲状腺及其毗邻(侧面观)Thyroid gland and its relations(lateral view)
50.前斜角肌及其毗邻Scalenus anterior muscle and its relations
51.颈根部(前面观)Root of the neck(anterior view)
52.颈根部(上面观)Root of the neck(superior view)
53.颈根部(侧面观)Root of the neck(lateral view)
54.颈丛Cervical plexus
55.颈部深层肌肉Muscles of the deep layer of the neck
56.颈部筋膜(水平断面)Fascia of the neck(horizontal section)




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