内容推荐 迄今全球已有5400多个经济特区,但极少能似中国这样,在经济特区建设上取得如此巨大成功,尤其是深圳,用40年时间从一个基于低成本的三来一补基地变成了全球创新中心,足以成为全球发展中国家经济特区的标杆楷模。本书的研究目标是对中国特区尤其是深圳特区的工业化道路和模式进行梳理总结,提炼出具有理论一般性的特区建设理论,为下一步更好建设好特区提供理论指导,也为广大发展中国家提供中国经验的参考借鉴。 本书结合开放型经济下中国经济特区的工业化实践,依托大量实例和数据,提出从比较优势到竞争优势的工业化深化理论,构建依托生产要素、国际国内市场、产业和创新体系以及特区创新文化等四个因素耦合作用的经济特区竞争优势“钻石模型”;同时以此为主线,从对外贸易、产业升级、科技创新、金融支撑、城市群建设、海洋空间拓展等角度,对经济特区工业化深化的阶段特征、动力机制和发展路径进行全方位的阐述,并重点以深圳特区为例展开多层面的实证分析。 本书的研究既提炼升华了经济特区建设的一般规律,丰富中国特色社会主义市场经济理论,又为中国经济特区未来发展特别是深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区建设指明方向,更有助于为全球后发地区实现赶超提供“中国经验”。 作者简介 向晓梅,1965年4月出生,四川宜宾人,经济学博士、二级研究员。广东省社会科学院党组成员、副院长。第十二届全国人大代表、广东省第十二次党代会代表,中宣部文化名家暨“四个一批”人才,广东省政府决策咨询专家,广东省区域与产业创新研究会会长、广东经济学会副会长。主要从事产业经济、区域经济、海洋经济和“一带一路”等问题研究。曾荣获广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖一项。代表作有《深蓝广东——广东建设海洋经济强省的优势、挑战与战略选择》《粤港澳大湾区海洋经济协同创新研究》《广东经济与产业发展:演进特征与趋势研究》《中国经济特区四十年工业化道路:从比较优势到竞争优势》等。 目录 Introduction The "Chinese Solution" for Industrialization and Its Significance for the World: Experiences from the Special Economic Zones Ⅰ.The Strategic Position of Industrialization in the National Development and Construction of Special Economic Zones Ⅱ.Using China's Special Economic Zones as a Sample to Refine the "Chinese Solution" for Industrialization Ⅲ.The Main Viewpoints and Theoretical Innovations of This Book Ⅳ.The Framework and Main Content of This Book Chapter One Interpreting the IndustriaLization Processes of the Special Economic Zones: From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage Ⅰ.New Challenges of Industrialization in the World and China Ⅱ.Theoretical Hypothesis of Evolving Advantages Ⅲ.Advantage-evolving During the Process of Industrialization in China's Special Economic Zones Ⅳ.Future Prospects of the Competitive Advantage of China's Special Economic Zones Chapter Two Industrialization Deepening in China's Special Economic Zones Sustained Through Competitive Advantage Ⅰ.The Theory of Industrialization Deepening Ⅱ.Competitive Advantage Supports Industrialization Deepening in China's Special Economic Zones-An Analysis of Its Inner Mechanism Ⅲ.Practices of Industrialization Deepening in China's SEZs Chapter Three Industrial Upgrading: Marching Toward the World's Frontier Ⅰ.Advantage Transformation and Sustained Upgrades in the Industrialization Process Ⅱ.The Divergent Paths of Industrial Upgrades in China's SEZs Ⅲ.Sustained Industrial Upgrades in Shenzhen: Historical Processes and the Evolution of Dynamics Ⅳ.Evolution of Advantages and Transformation of Industrial Development Model in the Special Economic Zone Shenzhen Ⅴ.The Future Direction of Industrialization: Towards the Global Industrial Frontier Chapter Four Innovation: Special Economic Zones in Globalization Ⅰ.From Imitation Innovation to Original Innovation Ⅱ.The Evolution of Innovation in China's Special Economic Zones Ⅲ.Innovation Exploration in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Ⅳ.Experiences in the Innovative Development of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Ⅴ.The Future of Innovation in Special Economic Zones Chapter Five Special Economic Zones Toward Competitive Advantage: Historical Leaps and Future Prospects Ⅰ.Five Historical Leaps in the Past 40 Years in the Development of China's Special Economic Zones Ⅱ.Development Trend and Future Outlook of China's Special Economic Zones Afterword and Acknowledgments |