内容推荐 本书描绘了我国古代先民如何在原始农业的基础上,通过不断的开拓与探索,创造了举世瞩目的成就。从茹毛饮血到刀耕火种,原始农业的兴起,推动了华夏文明的发展。我国作为一个农业传统悠久的国家,在耕作技术、耕作工具、灌溉工程、作物栽培、家畜驯化等方面都取得了杰出的成就。特别是火耕水耨、农田沟洫、围水梯山、顺时而作的耕作方式颇具农业生态思想,而青铜农具、铁器牛耕、翻车筒车的发明又颇具科学创意,极大地提高了农业生产力。 目录 Could you feed yourself in primitive society? If you are hungry, plant something Growing rice with fire and water With bronze came farm tools 2.0 The flood is coming! Don’t panic Crops and livestock in ancient times Millet and rice define north and south Farm tools upgraded with iron When the population outgrew the fields New farm tools embedded with wisdom Necessary farming skills Irrigation, a crucial project 24 Solar Terms: farmers’ calendar Books on ancient agricultural development |