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书名 | 新编英国文学经典作品选读(英文版) |
分类 | 教育考试-外语学习-英语 |
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出版社 | 北京大学出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 本书选取英国文学中的代表性经典作品,纵向上按照古英语文学、文艺复兴文学等进行大致的文学分期,横向上按作家作品介绍、选读注释、思考题和参考书目的体例进行编排。这样的安排和设计一方面是为了大致与国内高校英国文学课程的设置和教授相对应,另一方面也便于普通英语学习者阅读和赏析经典的英国文学文本。作家作品介绍和注释旨在呈现原汁原味的英文经典,使读者对经典英国文学作品有切身的体验;思考题和参考书目的设置则意在激发读者的进一步思考,并形成敏锐的跨文化意识,进而思索文化交流交融的可能图景和现实路径。 目录 Part One Old and Middle English Period 1.Beowulf Beowulf 2.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 3.Geoff rey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales 4.Popular Ballads Get up and Bar the Door The Three Ravens Sir Patrick Spens Part Two The English Renaissance 5.Edmund Spenser Sonnet 75 6.Christopher Marlowe The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 7.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 Hamlet 8.Francis Bacon Of Studies Part Three The Seventeenth Century 9.John Donne Death, Be Not Proud 10.John Milton To Mr.Cyriack Skinner Upon His Blindness Areopagitica 11.John Bunyan The Pilgrim's Progress Part Four The Eighteenth Century 12.Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe 13.Jonathan Swift A Modest Proposal 14.Samuel Johnson Samuel Johnson's Letter to Lord Chesterfi eld 15.Thomas Gray The Epitaph 16.William Blake Laughing Song The Chimney Sweeper The Chimney Sweeper 17.Robert Burns A Man's a Man for A' That Scots Wha Hae A Red, Red Rose Part Five The Romantic Period 18.William Wordsworth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud Michael: A Pastoral Poem 19.George Gordon Byron Sonnet on Chillon She Walks in Beauty 20.Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to the West Wind 21.John Keats On the Grasshopper and Cricket To Autumn 22.Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice Part Six The Victorian Literature 23.Charles Dickens David Copperfi eld 24.William Makepeace Thackeray Vanity Fair 25.Matthew Arnold Dover Beach 26.Charlotte Bront Jane Eyre 27.Emily Bront Wuthering Heights 28.Alfred Tennyson Break, Break, Break Crossing the Bar 29.Robert Browning My Last Duchess 30.Oscar Wilde The Happy Prince 31.Thomas Hardy Afterwards Jude the Obscure Part Seven The Twentieth Century 32.William Butler Yeats The Lake Isle of Innisfree When You are Old The Second Coming 33.John Galsworthy Told by the Schoolmaster 34.D.H.Lawrence The Rocking Horse Winner 35.James Joyce Ulysses 36.William S.Maugham Home |
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