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内容推荐 The alignment design is very important, while there are few course books to introduce it. Inorder to satisfy the requirements of railway engineering education for international students inChina, based on the book edited by Miao Kun, Wang Baochen in May 2021, combined with thelatest development of China's railway, the book is compiled. The contents of this book include therailway capacity and construction standards, traction calculation, horizontal and verticalalignments, railway alignment design, alternative comparison. After reading this book, the students will study: how the major technical standards affect therailway construction and operation and how to make decision of it. They will also learn themethod to select a good railway corridor and design a satisfactory alignment coordinated with thestations, bridges, tunnels, etc. 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Era of traffic diversification with railway as the backbone 1.2 Review of China's railway construction 1.3 Basic procedures of China's railway construction Chapter 2 Railway Capacity and Construction Standards 2.1 Railway volume 2.2 Railway carrying capacity and traffic capacity 2.3 Railway classification and main technical standards Chapter 3 Traction Calculation 3.1 Forces acting on the tram 3.2 Traction tonnage 3.3 Calculation of train running time Chapter4 Horizontal and Vertical Alignments 4.1 Horizontal alignment design 4.2 Vertical alignment design 4.3 Horizontal and vertical alignments design at bridge, culvert, tunnel and subgrade 4.4 Horizonal and vertical alignments design at station site Chapter 5 Railway Alignment Design 5.1 Determination of railway alignment direction 5.2 Station distribution 5.3 Railway alignment design methods 5.4 Alignment in general topography 5.5 Alignment in bridge, culvert and tunnel section 5.6 Alignment in unfavorable geological conditions Chapter 6 Alternative Comparison 6.1 Alignment alternative comparison 6.2 Fund composition of the railway alternative 6.3 Basic methods of economic evaluation Reference |