内容推荐 《国际贸易实务》(英文版)是西南财经大学国际商学院国际贸易实务教学团队集体编写的一本专业课教材,主要适用于同名课程的双语与全英文教学、来华留学学生的同名课程教学、国际贸易及相关行业从业人员的自主学习或专业培训。 本教材以国际货物贸易相关的公约、惯例和国内法为基础,以国际贸易合同为核心传输专业知识。具体内容包括贸易术语,国际贸易的货物条件与价格条件,国际货物运输,国际货物运输保险,国际贸易单据,国际贸易结算,国际贸易争议的预防与解决,国际贸易合同的磋商、签订与履行,国际贸易方式。 上述专业知识除适用于货物进出口贸易的实务操作与经营管理之外,还适用于国际货物运输与保险、国际结算、报关通关、国际物流等国际贸易相关领域。 目录 1 General Introduction OBJECTIVES 1.1 Idea of International Trade in Goods 1.2 Overview of International Trade Methods 1.3 Overview of International Trade Laws and Norms 1.4 Structure of the Textbook SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES SPECIMENS DIGITAL RESOURCES 2 Trade Terms OBJECTIVES 2.1 Generation of Trade Terms 2.2 International Trade Customs about Trade Terms 2.3 FOB, CIF and CFR 2.4 FCA, CPT and ClP 2.5 Other Trade Terms 2.6 Selection of Trade Terms FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES SPECIMENS DIGITAL RESOURCES 3 Terms of Commodity & Price OBJECTIVES 3.1 Name of Commodity and Quality 3.2 Quantity 3.3 Packaging 3.4 Price SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 4 International Carao Transport OBJECTIVES 4.1 Marine Transport 4.2 Other Modes of Transportation 4.3 Freight 4.4 Transportation Documents 4.5 Shipment Clause in Sales Contract SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES SPECIMENS DIGITAL RESOURCES 5 International Cargo Transportation Insurance OBJECTIVES 5.1 Concepts and Insurance Principles 5.2 Coverage of Insurance: Perils, Losses and Expenses 5.3 Marine Cargo Insurance Clause 5.4 Marine Cargo Insurance Policy 5.5 Cargo Insurance under Other Modes of Transportation 5.6 Insurance Clauses in Sales Contract SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW SPECIMENS EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 6 International Trade Documents OBJECTIVES 6.1 Introduction to International Trade Documents 6.2 Invoices 6.3 Other Commercial Documents 6.4 Financial Documents -- Bills FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW SPECIMENS EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 7 International Trade Payment OBJECTIVES 7.1 Introduction to International Trade Payment 7.2 Remittance 7.3 Collection 7.4 Letter of Credit 7.5 New International Trade Settlement Modes Applying Blockchain 7.6 Payment Clauses in the Sales Contract FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS ABBREVIATIONS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW SPECIMENS EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 8 Prevention and Resolution of Dispute OBJECTIVES 8.1 Commodity Inspection 8.2 Breach of Contract and Claim 8.3 Force Majeure 8.4 Arbitration FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 9 Negotiation, Conclusion and Performance of International Sales Contract OBJECTIVES 9.1 Transaction Negotiation 9.2 Conclusion of International Trade Sales Contract 9.3 Performance of International Trade Sales Contract FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES 10 International Trade Methods OBJECTIVES 10.1 Distribution and Agency 10.2 Consignment, Exhibition and Auction 10.3 Bidding and Tendering 10.4 Counter Trade 10.5 Processing Trade 10.6 Cross-border E-commerce FYI SUMMARY KEY TERMS QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW EXERCISES DIGITAL RESOURCES References |