内容推荐 本书分绪论、上篇、下篇、结束语四个部分,其中绪论和结束语由罗尼·魏努力博士和宋一青博士撰写,介绍了编写本书的缘起,以及近20年来参与式作物选育种的新变化、新趋势和新特点。上篇是来自国外的7个案例研究,对非洲、南美以及南亚、东南亚国家的参与式作物选育种案例进行分析。下篇讲述的5个中国案例,主要是对宋一青博士及其团队在西南地区开展社区种子保育、社区种子库建设以及农民参与式选育种的案例进行分析。本书内容非常丰富,希望对所有从事农业生物多样性保护、参与式作物选种育种以及社区发展的人有一定的启发和帮助。 目录 Preface Small seeds and a big story: Enlightenment from participatory plant breeding Introduction A "new" approach revisited: Participatory crop improvement and resilient seed systems Part 1 International cases Return to diversity: Evolutionary plant breeding Participatory plant breeding in North Africa and the Near East: Nearly 25 years of experience Farmer-plant breeder collaboration: The case of sorghum breeding in West Africa Farmer field schools and participatory plant breeding in Zimbabwe Participatory plant breeding in Honduras: Past successes and future challenges Participatory crop improvement for promoting conservation and sustainable use of crop genetic resources in Nepal Foundation of sustainable food production: Experiences from farmer breeding in Southeast Asia Part 2 Chinese cases From participatory plant breeding to integrated rural development: The case of Upper Gula, Guangxi In situ conservation of farmers' seed systems: Smallholder farmers and scientists join forces to enhance conservation and sustainable use of traditional varieties The case of the Hani ethnic group of Yunnan: Community-based biodiversity management A case of conventional rice in the Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Rice Research Institute Conclusion Trends and highlights: Seeds that continue to give Appendix Selected key results of the PPB initiatives Acknowledgement |