内容推荐 本书包含7个主要项目,依次是无损检测技术与质量管理、磁粉检测技术、渗透检测技术、目视检测技术、射线检测技术、超声检测技术、涡流检测技术,同时在书中又穿插介绍了新型无损检测技术。针对常用的六种无损检测技术,重点从检测原理、检测设备、方法分类、检测步骤、检测应用、检测工艺等方面进行介绍。每一个部分都编写了对应的习题,考核学习效果,精选原理图片、强调行业标准、强化应用情境与检测任务考核。 本书可供理化测试与质检技术(无损检测方向)专业学生使用,也可作为无损检测及相关专业的工程技术人员及管理人员使用的参考教材或系统培训教材。 目录 Item 1 NDT & Quality Control 1.1 Definition, Classification & Criteria for NDT 1.2 Non-destructive Testing Personnel Certification & Assessment 1.3 Applications of Non–destructive Testing Item 2 Magnetic Partical Testing 2.1 Theory of Magnetic Partical Testing 2.2 Classification of Magnetic Particle Testing 2.3 Instruments and Equipment of Magnetic Particle Testing 2.4 Magnetic Particle Testing Procedure Item 3 Liquid Penetrant Testing 3.1 Theory of Penetrant Testing 3.2 Method of PT 3.3 Instruments and Equipment of Penetrant Testing 3.4 The Penetrant Progress Item 4 Visual Testing 4.1 Introduction of Visual Testing 4.2 Theory and Principles 4.3 Welding Terms 4.4 Industrial Endoscope Item 5 Radiographic Testing 5.1 Theory of Radiographic Testing 5.2 Physics of Radiography 5.3 Principles of X-radiography 5.4 Equipment & Materials 5.5 Techniques & Calibrations Item 6 Ultrasonic Testing 6.1 Introduction of UItrasonic Testing 6.2 Physics of Ultrasound 6.3 Transducers and Other Equipment 6.4 Measurement Techniques 6.5 Some Applications Item 7 Eddy Current Testing 7.1 Introduction of Eddy Current Testing 7.2 Instrumentation 7.3 Probe/Coil Design 7.4 Procedure Issues 7.5 Applications References |