内容推荐 本书共有21章,具有很完整的材料与工程体系,无论作为材料专业的教材,还是科技书,都具有很强的实用价值。 目录 1.Introduction 2.Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding 3.Structures of Metals and Ceramics 4.Polymer Structures 5.Imperfections in Solids 6.Diffusion 7.Mechanical Properties 8.Deformation and StrengtheningMechanisms 9.Failure 10Phase Diagrams 11Phase Transformations 12.Electrical Properties 13.Types and Applicationsof Materials 14.Synthesis, Fabrication, and Processingof Materials (CD-ROM) 15.Composites (CD-ROM) 16.Corrosion and Degradation ofMaterials (CD-ROM) 17.Thermal Properties (CD-ROM) 18.Magnetic Properties (CD-ROM) 19.Optical Properties (CD-ROM) 20.Materials Selection and DesignConsiderations (CD-ROM) …… |