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内容推荐 Poincaré奖得主Barry Simon的《分析综合教程》是一套五卷本的经典教程,可以作为研究生阶段的分析学教科书。这套分析教程提供了很多额外的信息,包含数百道习题和大量注释,这些注释扩展了正文内容并提供了相关知识的重要历史背景。阐述的深度和广度使这套教程成为几乎所有经典分析领域的宝贵参考资料。 第2A部分的主题是基础复分析。它交织了三条分别与Cauchy、Riemann和Weierstrass相关的分析线索。Cauchy的观点侧重于单复变函数的微分和积分,核心主题是Cauchy积分公式和周线积分。对Riemann来说,复平面的几何是中心内容;核心主题是分式线性变换和共形映射。对Weierstrass来说,幂级数是王者,核心主题是解析函数空间、Weierstrass乘积公式和Hadamard乘积公式以及椭圆函数的Weierstrass理论。本书还包含一些其他教材中经常缺失的主题,包括:当周线是Jordan区域边界时的Cauchy积分定理、连分数、Picard大定理的两个证明、单值化定理、Ahlfors函数、解析芽层、Jacobi椭圆函数和Weierstrass椭圆函数。 本书可供专业研究人员(数学家、部分应用数学家和物理学家)、讲授研究生阶段分析课程的教师以及在工作和学习中需要任何分析学知识的研究生阅读参考。 目录 Preface to the Series Preface to Part 2 Chapter 1. Preliminaries 1.1. Notation and Terminology 1.2. Complex Numbers 1.3. Some Algebra, Mainly Linear 1.4. Calculus on R and Rn 1.5. Differentiable Manifolds 1.6. Riemann Metrics 1.7. Homotopy and Covering Spaces 1.8. Homology 1.9. Some Results from Real Analysis Chapter 2. The Cauchy Integral Theorem: Basics 2.1. Holomorphic Functions 2.2. Contour Integrals 2.3. Analytic Functions 2.4. The Goursat Argument 2.5. The CIT for Star-Shaped Regions 2.6. Holomorphically Simply Connected Regions, Logs, and Fractional Powers 2.7. The Cauchy Integral Formula for Disks and Annuli Chapter 3. Consequences of the Cauchy Integral Formula 3.1. Analyticity and Cauchy Estimates 3.2. An Improved Cauchy Estimate 3.3. The Argument Principle and Winding Numbers 3.4. Local Behavior at Noncritical Points 3.5. Local Behavior at Critical Points 3.6. The Open Mapping and Maximum Principle 3.7. Laurent Series 3.8. The Classification of Isolated Singularities; Casorati–Weierstrass Theorem 3.9. Meromorphic Functions 3.10. Periodic Analytic Functions Chapter 4. Chains and the Ultimate Cauchy Integral Theorem 4.1. Homologous Chains 4.2. Dixon's Proof of the Ultimate CIT 4.3. The Ultimate Argument Principle 4.4. Mesh-Defined Chains 4.5. Simply Connected and Multiply Connected Regions 4.6. The Ultra Cauchy Integral Theorem and Formula 4.7. Runge's Theorems 4.8. The Jordan Curve Theorem for Smooth Jordan Curves Chapter 5. More Consequences of the CIT 5.1. The Phragmén–Lindel?f Method 5.2. The Three-Line Theorem and the Riesz-Thorin Theorem 5.3. Poisson Representations 5.4. Harmonic Functions 5.5. The Reflection Principle 5.6. Reflection in Analytic Arcs; Continuity at Analytic Corners 5.7. Calculation of Definite Integrals Chapter 6. Spaces of Analytic Functions 6.1. Analytic Functions as a Fréchet Space 6.2. Montel's and Vitali's Theorems 6.3. Restatement of Runge's Theorems 6.4. Hurwitz's Theorem 6.5. Bonus Section: Normal Convergence of Meromorphic Functions and Marty's Theorem Chapter 7. Fractional Linear Transformations 7.1. The Concept of a Riemann Surface 7.2. The Riemann Sphere as a Complex Projective Space 7.3. PSL(2, C) 7.4. Self-Maps of the Disk 7.5. Bonus Section: Introduction to Continued Fractions and the Schur Algorithm Chapter 8. Conformal Maps 8.1. The Riemann Mapping Theorem 8.2. Boundary Behavior of Riemann Maps 8.3. First Construction of the Elliptic Modular Function 8.4. Some Explicit Conformal Maps 8.5. Bonus Section: Covering Map for General Regions 8.6. Doubly Connected Regions 8.7. Bonus Section: The Uniformization Theorem 8.8. Ahlfors' Function, Analytic Capacity and the Painlevé Problem Chapter 9. Zeros of Analytic Functions and Product Formulae 9.1. Infinite Products 9.2. A Warmup: The Euler Product Formula 9.3. The Mittag-Leffler Theorem 9.4. The Weierstrass Product Theorem 9.5. General Regions 9.6. The Gamma Function: Basics 9.7. The Euler-Maclaurin Series and Stirling's Approximation 9.8. Jensen's Formula 9.9. Blaschke Products 9.10. Entire Functions of Finite Order and the Hadamard Product Formula Chapter 10. Elliptic Functions 10.1. A Warmup: Meromorphic Functions on C 10.2. Lattices and SL(2, Z) 10.3. Liouville's Theorems, Abel's Theorem, and Jacobi's Construction 10.4. Weierstrass Elliptic Functions 10.5. Bonus Section: Jacobi Elliptic Functions 10.6. The Elliptic Modular Function 10.7. The Equivalence Problem for Complex Tori Chapter 11. Selected Additional Topics 11.1. The Paley–Wiener Strategy 11.2. Global Analytic Functions 11.3. Picard's Theorem via the Elliptic Modular Function 11.4. Bonus Section: Zalcman's Lemma and Picard's The |