内容推荐 神经语言学是现代语言学的一个新兴交叉学科,探讨语言和大脑功能之间的关系,以揭示语言产生、理解、习得、磨蚀等过程的认知神经机制。 本书抽丝剥茧,从神经语言学的概念界定、模型与框架,到涉及的不同层面,如神经语言学中的音系学、形态与句法、语义学、语用学等,再到一些热门话题,如神经语言学视角下的阅读与写作、双语问题、多模态等,为读者了解前沿神经语言学提供了入门指南。 目录 Preface Copyright acknowledgement List of tables List of figures Part Ⅰ: Introduction to neurolinguistics 1. What is neurolinguistics? 2. The development of theories about brain and language 3. Models and frameworks in neurolinguistics today Part Ⅱ: Neurolinguistics for different components of language 4. Phonology in neurolinguistics 5. Morphology and syntax in neurolinguistics 6. Lexical semantics 7. The semantics and pragmatics of communicative contributions in context from a neurolinguistic perspective Part Ⅲ: Specific topics in neurolinguistics 8. Reading and writing from a neurolinguistic perspective 9. Neurolinguistic aspects of bilingualism 10. On the evolution and development of the brain, communication, and language 11. Multimodality in neurolinguistics Part Ⅳ: Resource chapters 12. Methods of investigating the brain 13. Modeling the brain 14. Some basic concepts in neuroscience References Index |