内容推荐 本书系统讲述纺纱加工中的原料准备和选配、梳理、精梳、并条、粗纱、细纱、后加工等各道工序,以及各种新型纺纱方法和纺纱技术的有关纺纱原理与机构,包括典型的花式纱线的相关纺纱原理。按照纺纱加工流程,在纺纱原理的基础上,对各道工序中的设备、机构和工艺设置与计算等进行讲解,对比了各种纺纱方法及成纱品质的特点。为使读者更好地掌握纺纱知识并具有实际应用能力,本书专门设置了一章,对棉纺加工中典型纱线产品的原料选配、工艺流程选择和工艺参数设计做详细介绍。 本书可以作为高等院校纺织专业学生的纺纱课程教材,也可以作为从事纺织专业,尤其是从事纺纱相关工作人员的参考书籍。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction to Yarn and Spinning 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Historical development of spinning technology 1.2.1 History of spinning 1.2.2 Development of yarn spinning 1.3 Definition and classification of yarn 1.3.1 Definition of yarn 1.3.2 Classification of yarns 1.4 Principle and process of spinning 1.4.1 Principle of spinning 1.4.2 Spinning process 1.5 Spinning systems for different fibers 1.5.1 Cotton spinning system 1.5.2 Wool spinning system 1.5.3 Bast fiber spinning system 1.5.4 Spun silk spinning system 1.6 Summary and prospect 1.6.1 Summary 1.6.2 Prospect Questions and excises Chapter 2 Fibers Assortment and Blending 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Properties of textile fibers and their influence on spinning 2.2.1 Types of textile fiber 2.2.2 Brief introduction to conventional textile fibers 2.2.3 Effects of fiber properties on spinning 2.3 Raw material assortments 2.3.1 The purpose of assorting cotton 2.3.2 Selection and assorting for cotton materials 2.3.3 Selection of man-made fibers 2.4 Mixing of raw materials 2.4.1 Mixing method 2.4.2 Mixing evaluation 2.4.3 Mixing ratio 2.4.4 Calculation of properties or performance indicators of mixed materials Questions and excises Chapter 3 Opening, Cleaning and Carding 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Opening, cleaning and blending 3.2.1 Opening actions 3.2.2 Cleaning actions 3.2.3 Tuft blending 3.2.4 Opening, cleaning and blending sequence 3.3 Carding 3.3.1 Carding actions 3.3.2 The operation of revolving flat card 3.3.3 Processing parameters and sliver quality 3.3.4 Autoleveling Questions and excises Chapter 4 Combing 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 The purpose of combing 4.1.2 The type of combing machine 4.1.3 Essence of combing 4.2 Preparation for combing 4.2.1 Tasks of preparation process of combing 4.2.2 Process of combing preparation 4.3 Process and mechanism of combing 4.3.1 The process of combing 4.3.2 The operation cycle of rectilinear comber 4.3.3 Process analysis of comber 4.4 Technical parameters design and their influence on the quality of combing 4.4.1 Weight of input lap (or sheet) 4.4.2 Feeding type and feeding length 4.4.3 Noil gauge 4.4.4 Top comb gauge 4.4.5 Combed sliver weight 4.5 Quality index of combed sliver Questions and excises Chapter 5 Drawing 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 General description 5.1.2 Draw frame layout and operation process 5.2 Principles of drafting 5.2.1 Definition 5.2.2 Friction forces field in drafting zone 5.2.3 Fibers behaviors in drafting zone 5.2.4 Leading force and controlling force 5.2.5 Drafting force and gripping force 5.2.6 Fiber movement and sliver unevenness 5.2.7 Drafting systems on a draw frame 5.2.8 Top roller pressure systems on a draw frame 5.3 Fibers straightened by drafting 5.3.1 Fibers configuration in sliver 5.3.2 Straightening requirements 5.4 Evening out mass variation on draw frame 5.4.1 Doubling 5.4.2 Autolevelling 5.5 Processing parameters setting and sliver quality control 5.5.1 Processing parameters influencing sliver quality 5.5.2 Examples for parameters setting 5.5.3 Key points for drafting man-made fibers 5.5.4 Quality control of finisher drawn sliver Questions and excises Chapter 6 Roving 6.1 Operation of roving frame 6.2 Draft of roving 6.3 Twist 6.3.1 Forming of twist 6.3.2 Evaluation on the degree of twisting 6.3.3 Direction of twist 6.3.4 Insertion of twist 6.3.5 Distribution and propagation of twist 6.4 Twisting of roving 6.4.1 Purpose of twisting 6.4.2 Twisting process of roving 6.5 Windi |