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单词 drool
释义 drool
[dru:l] verb intransitive
■to allow saliva (= liquid in the mouth) to flow out of your mouth 流口水,垂涎
The dog lay drooling on the mat.狗躺在垫子上流着口水。
I drooled all over my pillow.我把枕头上弄得到处是口水。
[dru:l] verb intransitive
  Phrasal Verbs   drool over sb/sth
■to show extreme and sometimes silly pleasure while looking at someone or something 贪婪地看,痴痴傻傻地看
Roz and I sat by the swimming pool, drooling over all the gorgeous young men.罗兹和我坐在游泳池边痴痴地看着那些小帅哥。
I left Sara in the shop drooling over a green silk dress.我扔下莎拉一个人在商店里着迷地看着一件绿色的丝裙。
[dru:l] noun uncountable
saliva which has come out of your mouth uncontrollably (因无法控制而流出的)口水




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