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单词 amaze
释义 amaze
[ə'meɪz] verb transitive
■to cause someone to be extremely surprised 使大为惊奇,使惊愕
[+ question word] I was amazed by how well he looked.看到他气色这么好,我大为惊奇。
You've done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.你在一小时内就把作业全做完了?太不简单了。
[+ that] It amazes me that she's got the energy for all those parties.她竟然有精力参加所有那些派对,真让我惊叹不已。
[+ to infinitive] It amazes me to think that Anna is now in charge of the company.安娜现在掌管了公司,我真是想都不敢想。
It amazes me how you can put up with living in such a dirty house.住在这种肮脏的房子里你也受得了,真有你的。
It never ceases to amaze me how he can talk for so long without ever saying anything interesting.他滔滔不绝那么久竟然说不出半点有趣的事,这本事真够让我惊奇一辈子的。




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