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单词 deposit
释义 deposit
UK [dɪ'pɒz.ɪt] US [-'pɑ:.zɪt] verb
transitive usually + adverb or preposition
■to leave something somewhere 留下;存放
The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.洪水退去后,留下的淤泥覆盖了整个地区。
The bus deposited me miles from anywhere.公车把我扔在一个前不着村后不着店的地方。
The cuckoo deposits (= puts) her eggs in other birds' nests.布谷鸟把自己的蛋下在其他鸟类的窝里。
I deposited my luggage in a locker at the station.我把行李存放在车站的储物柜里了。
UK [dɪ'pɒz.ɪt] US [-'pɑ:.zɪt] verb
■to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks) (在银行或保险箱中)存放,储存(尤指金钱)
There's a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish.银行外面有夜间保险箱,你可以随时把钱存进去。
I deposited £500 in my account this morning.今天早上我在自己的帐户中存了500英镑。
■to pay someone a sum of money when you make an agreement with them to pay for or buy something, which either will be returned to you later, if the agreed arrangement is kept, or which forms part of the total payment 支付(押金、订金或预缴费用)
When we moved in, we had to deposit $1000 with the landlord in case we broke any of his things.我们搬进去时必须向房东交1000美元的押金,以防我们损坏其房内物件。
You deposit 20% now and pay the rest when the car is delivered.你可以先付20%的订金,余款在交车时支付。
UK [dɪ'pɒz.ɪt] US [-'pɑ:.zɪt] noun
countable or uncountable
■a substance or layer that is left, usually after a liquid is removed 沉淀物,沉积物
Decant the wine carefully, so that you leave the deposit in the bottom of the bottle.将酒小心倒出来,以免把瓶底的沉淀物也倒出来。
In hard-water areas, a chalky deposit often forms in pipes and kettles.在水质较硬的地区,水管和水壶内常会形成白色沉积物。
The flood left a thick deposit of mud over the entire ground floor of the house.洪水在整个房子的底层留下了一层厚厚的淤泥。
countable specialized
■a layer which has formed under the ground, especially over a long period 沉积层
mineral/oil/coal deposits矿/油/煤层
UK [dɪ'pɒz.ɪt] US [-'pɑ:.zɪt] noun
■a payment, especially into a bank account 支出,支付
To open an account, you need to make a minimum deposit of $500.开设帐户至少需要存入500美元。
■a sum of money which you pay as the first part of the total payment for something 预缴费用,订金
The shop assistant says if I leave £10 as a deposit, they'll keep the dress for me.店员说如果我交十英镑订金,他们就会为我留着那条裙子留起。
We paid/put a deposit of £10 000 on the house, and paid the balance four weeks later.我们交了一万英镑的购屋预付款,并在四周后付清余额。
■a sum of money which you pay when you rent something, and which is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented 押金
It costs £1000 a week to hire the yacht, plus a £120 refundable/returnable deposit.租一周游艇要花上1000英镑,外加120英镑的可退还押金。
You pay a 10p deposit/deposit of 10p on the bottle, which you get back when you return the empty bottle.瓶子收取十便士押金,空瓶送回后可退还押金。
UK [dɪ'pɒz.ɪt] US [-'pɑ:.zɪt] noun
on deposit
■describes money which is saved in a bank or something similar (钱)储蓄的
I've got £5000 on deposit in the building society.我在这家房屋互助协会里存了5000英镑。




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