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单词 department
释义 department
UK [dɪ'pɑ:t.mənt] US [-'pɑ:rt-] (written abbreviation dept)
noun countable [+ sing/pl verb]
■a part of an organization such as a school, business or government which deals with a particular area of study or work (组织或机构中的)部,系,处,科,室
the geography department/the department of geography地理系
The accounts department is/are having a Christmas party this week.本周财政部将举办圣诞晚会。
the Department of Health and Social Security健康与社会保障部
UK [dɪ'pɑ:t.mənt] US [-'pɑ:rt-] (written abbreviation dept)
noun countable [+ sing/pl verb]
be sb's department informal
■to be a particular person's area of responsibility 属于(某人的)职责范围内的事,是(某人的)份内之事
Wasn't buying the tickets your department, Kev?基夫,你不是负责买票吗?
UK [dɪ'pɑ:t.mənt] US [-'pɑ:rt-] (written abbreviation dept)
noun countable [+ sing/pl verb]
in the brain/looks department humorous
■in intelligence or beauty 在智力/相貌方面
He's a bit lacking in the brain department.他的脑筋转得有点慢。




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