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单词 deadbeat
释义 deadbeat
['] mainly US informal
noun countable
■a person who is not willing to work, does not behave in a responsible way and does not fit into ordinary society 游手好闲的人,二流子
He's a real deadbeat who's never had a proper job.他真是游手好闲,从来没有做过一份正经的工作。
[as form of address] Come off it, deadbeat, you're never going to get anywhere.别说了,懒鬼,你永远也不会有甚么出息。
■a person or company that is not willing to pay debts 赖帐者;赖帐的公司
['] mainly US informal
adjective [before noun]
■not willing to pay debts 赖帐
The new law is aimed at deadbeat landlords who owe $22 million.这条新法律针对的是那些欠下2200万美元却赖着不还的土地所有者。




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