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单词 curtsy
释义 curtsy
(also curtsey) UK ['kɜ] US ['kɝ:t-] verb intransitive
■When a girl or woman curtsies, she bends quickly at the knees, with one foot in front of the other, often while holding her skirt, especially to show respect to a king or queen, etc. 行屈膝礼(尤指女子向国王或女王等表示敬意)
She curtseyed to the Queen.她向女王行屈膝礼。
Compare bow
(also curtsey) UK ['kɜ] US ['kɝ:t-] noun countable
■when a girl or woman bends quickly at the knees, with one foot in front of the other, especially to show respect 屈膝礼
She gave a curtsy before presenting the flowers to the princess.向公主献花前,她向公主行了屈膝礼。




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