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单词 all-
释义 all-
UK [ɔ:l-] US [ɑ:l-] prefix
■used in front of many nouns to form adjectives meaning `every', `every type of' or `the whole of' that particular thing (用在很多名词前,构成形容词)每,各种,全部
an all-night bar (= a bar that is open for the whole night)通宵营业的酒吧
■used in front of many adjectives and present participles to mean `everything' or `everyone' (用在很多形容词和现在分词前)所有,任何
an all-inclusive price包括所有费用的价格
all-conquering armies攻无不克的军队
■used in front of many nouns and adjectives to mean `completely' (用在很多名词和形容词前)完全,十分
all-cotton socks (= socks that are made completely of cotton)纯棉短袜
When cooking the sauce, don't forget that all- important (= most or very important) ingredient, fresh basil.做酱汁时,不要忘了加上最重要的配料——新鲜的罗勒。
Do you believe in an all- powerful god (= one with unlimited power) ?你相信存在一个全能的神吗?




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