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单词 align
释义 align
[ə'laɪn] verb transitive
■to put two or more things into a straight line 使成一条直线;对准;校直
When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!当枪的标尺、准星和目标成一条直线时,开火!
Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.让尺子对齐纸的中线,然后沿尺子剪开。
[ə'laɪn] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [R] align yourself with sb/sth
■If you align yourself with an organization or person, you agree with and support their aims 与…保持一致;与…结盟
The party is under pressure to align itself more closely with industry.该党受压力所迫,与企业界关系更近了。
The major unions are aligned with the government on this issue.在这一问题上,几个主要的工会立场与政府保持一致。




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