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单词 convoy
释义 convoy
UK ['kɒn.vɔɪ] US ['kɑ:n-] noun countable
■a group of vehicles or ships which travel together, especially for protection (尤指护卫)舰队,车队
A convoy of trucks containing supplies was sent to the famine area.一支满载补给品的车队被派往饥荒严重的地区。
in convoy
■travelling one behind another in a row 结队而行
Shall we all drive to the party in convoy so we don't get lost?我们结队开车去参加聚会,免得迷路,好吗?
UK ['kɒn.vɔɪ] US ['kɑ:n-] verb transitive
■to travel with a vehicle or group of people to make certain that they arrive safely 护卫,护送
Two tanks convoyed the trucks across the border.两辆坦克护送卡车穿越边境。




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