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单词 contingent
释义 contingent
[kən'tɪn.dʒənt] noun countable [+ sing/pl verb]
■a group of people representing an organization or country, or a part of a military force (代表某一组织或国家的)代表团;(军队的)分遣队,小分队
The French contingent certainly made their presence known at this year's conference.法国代表团在今年的会议上确实表现出众。
a large contingent of voluntary soldiers一支由志愿兵组成的庞大分遣队
[kən'tɪn.dʒənt] adjective formal
contingent on/upon sth
■depending on something else in the future in order to happen 视…而定的;因…而变的;取决于…的
Outdoor arrangements are, as ever, contingent on the weather.同以前一样,室外布置依天气而定。
Our success is contingent upon your support.我们的成功有赖于你的支援。




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