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单词 conference
释义 conference
UK ['kɒn.fər.ənts] US ['kɑ:n.fɚ-] noun countable
■an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which there is a group of talks on a particular subject, or a meeting in which especially business matters are discussed formally 会议,大会;讨论会,协商会
a conference on women's rights妇女权利大会
They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.他们常在那家饭店举办会议。
I'm speaking at/attending a conference next week.我下周要在一个会议上发言/出席一个会议。
Should I book the conference room for the meeting?我要为会议预订会议室吗?
be in conference formal
■to be in a meeting 在参加会议,在开会
Ms O'Neill isn't available at present. She's in conference.奥尼尔女士现在不在,她正在开会。




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