colouring UK (ALSO US coloring) UK ['kʌl.ər.ɪŋ] US [-ɚ-] noun APPEARANCE 外表 only singular ■the combined effect of a person's hair, skin and eye colour (人的头发、皮肤和眼睛的)总体颜色•Their colouring is so totally different that you would never think they were sisters.她们的肤色大不相同,你绝对不会想到她们是姐妹。 UK (ALSO US coloring) UK ['kʌl.ər.ɪŋ] US [-ɚ-] noun SUBSTANCE 物质 countable or uncountable ■a substance that is added to food or drink to change its colour artificially (食用)色素•It says on the label that no preservatives or artificial colourings have been added.标签上说没有添加任何防腐剂和人工色素。 |