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单词 cloth
释义 cloth
UK [klɒθ] US [klɑ:θ] noun
 IMPROVER  uncountable
■(a type of) woven material 布,布料
a piece/length of cloth一块布料
 IMPROVER  countable
■a small piece of material, used in cleaning to remove dirt, dust or liquid 抹布
a washing-up cloth一块洗碗布
UK [klɒθ] US [klɑ:θ] noun
  Common Learner Errors   cloth or clothes?Warning: Choose the right word!To talk about things that you wear, don't say 'cloth' or 'cloths', say clothes :
Bring summer cloths with you as the weather will be warm.Remember: clothes is always plural. To talk about one particular thing that you wear, say a piece/item of clothing.




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