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单词 centre
释义 centre
UK (ALSO US center) UK ['sen.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable
■the middle point or part 中心点;中心,中央
There was a large table in the centre of the room.屋子中央有张大桌子。
the town centre市中心
centre of attention
■the person or thing that everyone is most interested in and pays most attention to 关注的中心;瞩目的焦点
She's the centre of attention everywhere she goes.她不论走到哪里都是众人瞩目的焦点。
be at the centre of sth
■to be most involved in a situation 处于…的焦点;处于…的中心
Mark was at the centre of the argument.马克处于争论的风口浪尖上。
A social worker was at the centre of the scandal.一位社工处于这桩丑闻的漩涡之中。
UK (ALSO US center) UK ['sen.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun countable
■a place or building, especially one where a particular activity happens (尤指某一活动的)中心
a sports/leisure/health centre体育/休闲/保健中心
a garden/shopping centre园艺/购物中心
Grants will be given to establish centres of excellence (= places where a particular activity is done extremely well) in this field of research.将会拨款在这个领域建立出色的研究中心。
UK (ALSO US center) UK ['sen.tər] US [-tˌɚ] noun only singular [+ sing/pl verb] adjective
■in politics, the people in a group who hold opinions which are not extreme but are between two opposites (政治上)中间立场(的),中间派(的)
His political views are known to be left of/right of centre.人们知道他的政治观点属于中间偏左/右。
a centre left party中左派(政党)
UK (ALSO US center) UK ['sen.tər] US [-tˌɚ] verb transitive
■to put something in the middle of an area 将…放在中央,使置中
Centre (= Put at equal distances from the left and right sides of the page) all the headings in this document.把这份档中的所有标题置中。
UK (ALSO US center) UK ['sen.tər] US [-tˌɚ] verb transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   centre around/on sth
■to have something as the main subject of discussion or interest (话题或兴趣)以…为中心,围绕着
The discussion centred around reducing waste.讨论围绕着减少浪费而展开。




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