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单词 again
释义 again
UK [ə'gen/ UK [-'geɪn] US [-'gen] adverb
■one more time 又,再一次
Could you spell your name again, please?请您再拼一次您的名字好吗?
If he does it again I'll have to tell him.如果他再这么做,我就不能不提醒他了。
Deborah's late again.黛博拉又迟到了。
Throw it away and start again.扔了它,重新开始。
■back to the original place or condition (回)到原处;复原
We went to Edinburgh and back again all in one day.我们去了爱丁堡,当天又回来了。
Get some rest and you'll soon be well again.休息一下,你很快就会康复的。
once again
■If something happens once again, it has already happened several times before (数次发生后)再次;再三
You are reminded once again of the author's love of the sea.你会再次感受到作者对大海的热爱。
Never again!
■said after an unpleasant experience to show that you do not intend to do it again (表示不愿再经历不愉快的事情)受够了!再也不做了!
He drove me back home last night. Never again!昨晚他开车把我送回家。以后再也不让他送了!
yet again
■If something happens yet again, it has already happened many times before (多次发生后)再次;屡次
I'm afraid it's been delayed yet again.恐怕这又给耽误了。
again and again
■repeatedly 一再,屡次
I've told you again and again not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要那样做。
all over again
■If you do something all over again, you start again from the beginning 重新做起,从头再来
It's already taken me two hours - I don't want to have to do it all over again.这已经花了我两个钟头了,我可不想从头再做一次。
  Common Learner Errors   againWarning: again usually goes directly after the object in a sentence.Don't say 'do again something', say do something again :
I hope you will again visit us.I hope you will visit us again.If the sentence does not have an object, again usually goes at the end of the sentence:It's raining again.
UK [ə'gen/ UK [-'geɪn] US [-'gen] adverb
■in addition to the amount we know about or have mentioned already 增加;多
They are paid half as much again as we are.他们的薪水比我们的多一半。
UK [ə'gen/ UK [-'geɪn] US [-'gen] adverb
then again (also there again)
■used when you have had a new thought that is different or opposite to what you have just said (用于表达与先前说法不同或相反的想法)话说回来,另一方面,然而
I like to travel but, then again, I'm very fond of my home.我喜欢旅游,可是另一方面我也很喜欢家里。




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