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单词 captain
释义 captain
UK ['kæp.tɪn] US [-tən] noun countable
■the person in charge of a ship or an aircraft, or the leader of a sports team 船长;机长;(运动队)队长
This is your captain speaking. We expect to be landing at London Heathrow in an hour's time.我是机长。我们预计一小时后在伦敦希斯洛机场降落。
It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as (the) captain of a football team.让守门员当足球队的队长是很少见的。
■an officer's rank in the army or navy, or in the US air force, or in the US police and fire departments (陆军或海军)上校;(美国空军的)上尉;(美国警察局的)副巡长;(美国消防署的)中队长
UK ['kæp.tɪn] US [-tən] verb transitive
■to lead and be the captain of a team, military group, ship or aircraft 担任队长(或船长、机长);率领;指挥
He captained the England cricket team for 5 years.他曾担任英格兰板球队的队长五年。




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