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单词 broadcast
释义 broadcast
UK ['brɔ:d.kɑ:st] US ['brɑ:d.kæst] verb intransitive or transitive (broadcast or US ALSO broadcasted, broadcast or US ALSO broadcasted)
■to send out a programme on television or radio 广播(电视或无线电节目);播送
Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.加罗林电台过去在北海的一艘船上广播。
The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries.网球锦标赛向几个国家现场直播。
figurative I'm leaving but please don't broadcast (= tell everyone) the fact.我要走了,但请不要到处说。
UK ['brɔ:d.kɑ:st] US ['brɑ:d.kæst] noun countable
■a television or radio programme 电视节目;广播节目
a radio/television broadcast电台/电视节目
We watched a live broadcast of the concert.我们观看了音乐会的现场直播。




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