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单词 bowl
释义 bowl
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] noun
DISH 碗状物
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a round container that is open at the top and is deep enough to hold fruit, sugar, etc. 碗;钵;(物体的)碗状部分
a soup/cereal/salad/sugar bowl汤碗/麦片碗/沙拉钵/糖钵
a bowl of soup/rice/porridge一碗汤/米饭/粥
She eats a bowl (= the contents of a bowl) of cereal every morning.她每天早上吃一碗麦片。
Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛进搅拌碗里。
UK Just put the dirty dishes in the washing-up bowl, and I'll do them later.将脏碟子放进洗碟盆好了,我一会儿再洗。
■the rounded inside part of something 碗;钵;(物体的)碗状部分
The toilet bowl was cracked and stained, and the walls were covered in mould.抽水马桶破裂了,污迹斑斑,四周墙上到处都是霉点。
countable mainly US
■a large bowl-shaped building or structure which is used for important sports events or musical performances 圆形运动场;圆形露天剧场
the Hollywood Bowl好莱坞露天剧场
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] noun
■a game played either outside on smooth grass or inside on an artificial surface, in which the players roll a large black or brown ball as close as possible to a smaller white ball 草地滚球;地滚球戏
Bowls is one of the most popular sports in Britain.地滚球戏是英国最流行的运动之一。
■a large ball used in the game of bowls (草地滚球中的)木球,圆球
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] noun
Life is just a bowl of cherries.
■something that you say which means that life is very pleasant. This phrase is often used humorously to mean the opposite. (常幽默地用作反语)一切都十全十美;一切都完美无缺
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] verb intransitive or transitive
■to throw a ball towards a batsman (= the player who hits the ball) using a vertical circular movement of the arm while running (举臂)把(球)投给打击手;投(球)
Pringle was tired after bowling for an hour.投了一小时球后普林格尔累了。
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] verb intransitive or transitive
■to roll a ball along a smooth grass or artificial surface during a game (在游戏中)滚(球)
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   bowl down/along sth
■to go quickly 朝着(或沿着)…疾行
They bowled down the street on their new bicycles.他们骑着新的脚踏车飞奔在大街上。
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] bowl sb out
■in the game of cricket, to make someone have to leave the cricket field by hitting the wicket (= three vertical sticks) behind them with the ball (板球运动中)击中三柱门把(打击手)杀出局
UK [bəʊl] US [boʊl] verb intransitive or transitive
  Phrasal Verbs   [usually passive] bowl sb over
■to knock someone to the ground by running into them 把(某人)撞倒
She was almost bowled over by a huge dog.她差点儿被一只大狗撞倒。
■to surprise and please someone a lot 使(某人)大为惊喜
She was bowled over when she heard she'd won the competition.她听说自己赢了比赛喜不自禁。




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