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单词 both
释义 both
UK [bəʊθ] US [boʊθ] predeterminer determiner pronoun
■(referring to) two people or things together 两个;两者;双方
Both my parents are teachers.我的父母都是教师。
They have two grown children, both of whom live abroad.他们有两个成年子女,两人都住在国外。
She has written two novels, both of which have been made into television series.她写过两部小说,都被拍成了电视连续剧。
Both Mike and Jim have red hair/Mike and Jim both have red hair.麦克和吉姆都是红头发。
I loved them both/I loved both of them.他们两人我都爱。
The problem with both of these proposals is that they are hopelessly impractical.这两项提议共同的问题是都太不切实际了。
Are both of us invited, or just you?我们两人都受到邀请了,还是只有你一人?
Would you like milk or sugar or both?你要牛奶还是糖,还是两样都要?
Both men and women have complained about the advertisement.男人和女人都投诉过这个广告。
I felt both happy and sad at the same time.我感到既高兴又伤心。
I think it's important to listen to both sides of the argument.我觉得听取争论双方的意见是很重要的。
Improved child-care facilities would benefit both sexes, not just women.改善儿童保育设施对男女都会有好处,不仅仅是女性受益。
I failed my driving test because I didn't keep both hands on the steering wheel.我驾照考试没有通过,因为我没有一直用双手握方向盘。
UK [bəʊθ] US [boʊθ] predeterminer determiner pronoun
  Common Learner Errors   bothWarning: check your word order!Both usually goes directly before the main verb in a sentence.Don't say 'do both something', say both do something :
My brothers live both in London.My brothers both live in London.Both can also go before the subject of the sentence:Both my brothers live in London.But if the main verb is am/is/are/was or were , both usually goes directly after it
My brothers both are shop assistants.My brothers are both shop assistants.




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