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单词 bloody
释义 bloody
['blʌd.i] adjective [before noun] adverb mainly UK very informal
■used to express anger or to emphasize what you are saying in a slightly rude way 该死的;他妈
I've had a bloody awful week.我这个星期他妈糟透了。
It's a bloody disgrace that some war widows don't get a decent pension.有些因战争而守寡的妇女没有得到数额合理的抚恤金,这种事真他妈丢人。
Don't be a bloody idiot !别他妈像个傻瓜似的!
This computer's bloody useless ! It's always going wrong.这部电脑他妈甚么用也没有!总是出问题。
Don't you tell me what to do! I'll do what I bloody well like in my own house.不要告诉我该干甚么!在我自己家里我他妈想干甚么就干甚么。
['blʌd.i] adjective [before noun] adverb mainly UK very informal
■used to emphasize an adjective, adverb or noun in a slightly rude way 很,非常的(地)
Life would be bloody boring if nothing ever went wrong.如果甚么都是顺顺利利的,那生活也太沉闷了。
Don't be so bloody stupid.别这么傻了。
She's done bloody well to reach the semi-final.她表现得很出色,进入了准决赛。
You must think I'm a bloody fool.你一定认为我是个大傻瓜。
I had a bloody good time last night.我昨晚玩得真痛快。
I'm afraid there's not a bloody thing (= nothing) you can do about it.恐怕这件事你无能为力。
I can't see a bloody thing (= anything) in here.这儿我甚么也看不见。
['blʌd.i] adjective [before noun] adverb mainly UK very informal
bloody hell very informal
■a rude way of expressing great anger 该死;他妈
Bloody hell! I've lost my wallet.该死!我的钱包丢了。
What the bloody hell did you do that for?你他妈那样做究竟是为了甚么?
['blʌd.i] adjective
■covered with blood; bleeding 流血的,出血的
a bloody nose流血的鼻子
■extremely violent and involving a lot of blood and injuries 血腥的;残忍的
It was a long and bloody battle and many men were killed.那是一场漫长而残酷的战斗,死了许多人。
['blʌd.i] verb transitive
■to make something bloody 使…血淋淋的
The first punch bloodied his nose.第一拳就使他的鼻子出血了。




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