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单词 worker
释义 worker
UK ['wɜ:.kər] US ['wɝ:.kɚ] noun countable
■someone who works in a particular job or in a particular way 工人;劳动者;工作者
factory/social/construction workers工厂工人/社会工作者/建筑工人
a good/tireless/skilled worker优秀的/不知疲倦的/技术熟练的工人
■someone who works for a company or organization but does not have a powerful position (某公司或组织的)工人,员工
Many companies still treat their management staff better than their workers.很多公司给管理人员的待遇仍然比给工人的要好。
■in bees and some other types of insects, a female which cannot produce young but which collects food for the others 职虫(如工蜂)




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