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单词 window
释义 window
UK ['wɪn.dəʊ] US [-doʊ] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■a space usually filled with glass in the wall of a building or in a vehicle, to allow light and air in and to allow people inside the building to see out 窗,窗户,窗口
Is it all right if I open/close the window?我打开/关上窗户可以吗?
He caught me staring out of the window.他看到我正在向窗外凝视。
I saw a child's face at the window.我看到视窗有一张孩子的脸。
She's got some wonderful plants in the window (= on a surface at the bottom of the window).她窗台上摆了些奇妙的植物。
I was admiring the cathedral's stained-glass windows.我正在欣赏大教堂里的彩色玻璃窗。
Have you paid the window cleaner (= person whose job is to clean the outside of windows) ?你付给擦窗户的工人工钱了吗?
window frames窗框
a window ledge窗台
only singular literary
■something that makes it possible for you to see and learn about a situation or experience that is different from your own (让人了解其他情况或经历的)视窗
The film provides a window on the immigrant experience.这部影片提供了一个了解移民经历的视窗。
■a transparent rectangle on the front of an envelope, through which you can read the address written on the letter inside (信封上的)透明纸窗
■the decorative arrangement of goods behind the window at the front of a shop, in addition to the window itself (商店的)陈列窗口,橱窗
How much is the jacket in the window?橱窗里的那件外套多少钱?
The shop windows are wonderful around Christmas time.圣诞节期间商店的橱窗非常漂亮。
UK ['wɪn.dəʊ] US [-doʊ] noun
■a separate area on a computer screen which shows information and which you can move around (电脑的)视窗,窗口
to minimize/maximize a window将视窗最小/最大化
UK ['wɪn.dəʊ] US [-doʊ] noun
■a period when there is an opportunity to do something 时机;机会
I'm quite busy this week but there might be a window on Friday.我本周相当忙,但可能在星期五还有点空。
If a window of opportunity (= an opportunity) should present itself, I'd take advantage of it.如果出现机会,我就要去利用。
UK ['wɪn.dəʊ] US [-doʊ] noun
go out (of) the window
■If a quality, principle or idea goes out of the window, it does not exist any more 完全消失,不再存在
Then people start drinking and sense goes out of the window.人们开始喝酒,理性不复存在。




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