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单词 whoop
释义 whoop
[wu:p] verb intransitive
■to give a loud, excited shout, especially to show your enjoyment of or agreement with something (尤指为表示高兴或赞同而)呐喊,大叫
The audience was whooping and clapping.观众们在欢呼鼓掌。
⇒ See also whooping cough
[wu:p] verb intransitive
whoop it up informal
■to enjoy yourself in a noisy and excited way 狂欢,欢闹
[wu:p] noun countable
■a loud, excited shout, especially showing your enjoyment of or agreement with something (尤指表示高兴或赞同的)呐喊,大叫
When the whoops and cheers had finally died down he started to speak.当欢呼声平息下来的时候,他开始讲话。




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