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单词 well
释义 well
[wel] adverb (better, best)
■in a good way, to a high or satisfactory standard 很好地,令人满意地
The documentary presented both sides of the problem very well.这部纪录片很好地呈现了问题的两个方面。
The concert was well enough advertised but ticket sales were poor.这场音乐会的宣传做得很不错,但是票房却不好。
a well-cut suit剪裁合身的西服
a well-paid job薪酬优厚的工作
Her points were well put (= expressed in a good or clever way).她的观点表达得很巧妙。
His point about the need to reduce waste was well taken (= it was accepted as a good criticism).他关于有必要减少浪费的观点得到了认同。
They took two hours to discuss the plans and considered it time well spent (= it had been a useful discussion).他们花了两个小时讨论这些计划,并且认为时间花得很值得。
I can't do it as well as Marie can.我无法做到像玛丽那样好。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
■very much, to a great degree or completely 非常;充分地;完全地
Knead the dough well, then divide it into four pieces.充分揉捏面团,然后将它分成四块。
He could well imagine how much his promise was going to cost him.他完全能想像出他要为自己的诺言付出多大代价。
I can't catch the bus - there are no buses after midnight, as you well know.我没法坐公车——午夜过后就没有公车了,你很清楚这一点。
He's plays the piano well enough (= to a satisfactory standard).他钢琴弹得非常好。
■used to emphasize some prepositions (用于强调某些介词)
The results are well above/below what we expected.结果比我们预想的要好/差得多。
Keep well away from the edge of the cliff.离悬崖边远远的。
It cost well over £100.它的价格远远高于100英镑。
Stand well clear of the doors!离门远点!
■used to emphasize some adjectives (用于强调某些形容词)
The police are well aware of the situation.警方非常清楚形势。
The museum is well worth a visit.那家博物馆很值得参观。
Some machines look more like cheap, plastic toys - leave these well alone.有些机器看起来更像那种廉价的塑胶玩具——千万别去碰它们。
■UK slang
■very 非常
The film was well good.那部电影非常不错。
Watch out for those two - they're well hard (= strong and willing to use violence).小心那两个人——他们都不好惹。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
■with good reason 有理由地;理由充分地
She might well be the best person to ask.问她可能最合适。
I can't very well (= It would not be acceptable to) refuse their kind offer.我没有理由拒绝他们友善的提议。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
as well (as)
■in addition (to) 除…之外还;也;和
Invite Emlyn - and Simon as well.邀请埃姆琳——还有赛门。
I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin.我想去拜访安德鲁,还有马丁。
  Common Learner Errors   as wellWarning: as well usually goes at the end of a clause.
As well, the hotel offers a discount for students.The hotel offers a discount for students as well.At the beginning of a sentence, use Also or In addition :Also, the hotel offers a discount for students.
[wel] adverb (better, best)
all very well (also all well and good)
■If something is all very well, it is quite useful or good in some situations but not excellent and not useful or good in every situation 还行,还可以(但并不是在所有情况下都令人满意)
Electric heating is all very well until there's a power cut.如果不停电的话,电暖气还可以。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
be just as well (mainly UK be as well)
■to be a good thing to do, or to be a lucky thing to happen or be done 最好;正好;幸好
It's just as well you're not here - you wouldn't like the noise.幸好你没在这里——你不会喜欢那种噪声。
He left at three, which was just as well or he'd have missed the train.他三点钟出发,时间刚刚好,否则就赶不上火车了。
It would be as well to check the small print.最好再看一下用小号字印的细则。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
well and truly
■completely 完全地
The party was well and truly over when he arrived.等他到的时候,聚会已经完全结束了。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
well away UK informal
■completely involved in what you are doing, or drunk 完全沉浸地;醉酒
He was soon well away on (= talking a lot about) his favourite subject of steam train conservation.他很快就开始大谈特谈自己最喜欢的蒸汽火车的话题。
After five pints of lager and a couple of whiskeys I was well away (= drunk).喝了5品脱淡啤酒和几杯威士卡之后,我已经醉了。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
well done  IMPROVER 
■used as a way of praising someone and saying that you are pleased about and approve of something they have done 做得好,做得漂亮
"I passed my exam." "Well done!"“我通过考试了。”“真棒!”
⇒ See also well-done
[wel] adverb (better, best)
well in (with) UK informal (US in well with)
■to have a good relationship with someone in which they like you and from which you get an advantage (与…)保持良好关系
He's well in with the boss, these days.这段时间他和老板的关系不错。
[wel] adverb (better, best)
well out of sth UK informal
■lucky not to be involved 幸好没有卷入
"Did I tell you the company went bust the month after I left?" "Really? Oh, you're well out of that !"“我告诉过你,我辞职后第二个月那家公司就破产了吗?”“真的吗?幸好你提前走了。”
[wel] adjective [usually after verb] (better, best)
■healthy; not ill 健康的
He hasn't been too well lately.他最近身体不太好。
When she came home from school she really didn't look well.她从学校回到家时,气色看起来真不好。
I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.你生病了,我很难过——希望你尽快好起来。
They sent a get well card.他们寄了一张祝愿早日康复的慰问卡。
[wel] exclamation
■used to introduce something you are going to say, often to show surprise, doubt, slight disagreement or anger, or to continue a story (用于引出要说的话题,常用来表示惊讶、怀疑、不太同意或生气,还用来继续一个故事)啊,哎呀,哟,那么,好吧
Well, what shall we do now?那么我们现在该做甚么?
Well now/then, how are we going to arrange things?那么,现在我们该怎样安排呢?
"Who was that?" "Well, I'm afraid I can't remember her name."“那人是谁啊?”“恐怕,我记不起她的名字了。”
"He's decided to give up his job and move to the north with her." "Well, well - that's what love does for you."“他已经决定放弃自己的工作,跟她一起搬到北方去。”“嗯,嗯─这就是爱情的力量。”
Well, really, how thoughtless of him!唉,说真的,他真是太轻率了!
Well? What did you do next?嗯?你接下来做了甚么?
Well, after that we went camping in the mountains.唔,那之后我们就去山里露营了。
Well] Oh well, it doesn't matter - I can always buy another one.哦,没关系——我总可以再买一个。
Very well, if you insist I'll meet him next week.好吧,如果你坚持,那我下周就见他一面。
[wel] noun countable
■a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water, oil, or gas 水井;油井;气井
⇒ See also stairwell
[wel] verb intransitive usually + adverb or preposition
■(of liquid) to appear on the surface of something or come slowly out from somewhere (液体)涌出,溢出
Dirty water welled (up) out of the damaged pipe.污水从损坏的管道中冒了出来。
As she read the letter tears welled up in her eyes.她读信的时候眼泪夺眶而出。
figurative Conflicting emotions welled up in his heart.他心里感到很矛盾。




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