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单词 waterworks
释义 waterworks
UK ['wɔ:.tə.wɜ:ks] US ['wɑ:.tˌɚ.wɝ:ks] plural noun
■a system of buildings and pipes in which a public supply of water is stored and treated and from which it is sent out 自来水厂
■UK polite word
■the parts of the body that deal with the removal of urine (人体的)泌尿系统
The doctor asked if I'd had any problems with my waterworks.医生问我的泌尿系统是否有问题。
UK ['wɔ:.tə.wɜ:ks] US ['wɑ:.tˌɚ.wɝ:ks] plural noun
turn on the waterworks old-fashioned disapproving
■to start crying, especially too much or in a way that does not seem necessary or real (尤指过分、不必要或假惺惺地)哭起来
You can turn on the waterworks all you like - I'm not going to change my mind!你想哭就哭吧——我是不会改变主意的!




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