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单词 walloping
释义 walloping
UK ['wɒl.ə.pɪŋ] US ['wɑ:.lə-] adjective [before noun] informal humorous
■very big or great 巨大的
He cut me a walloping (great) slice of cake.他给我切了一块很大的蛋糕。
■very good 非常好
We had a walloping (good) time at Daryl's wedding party.我们在达里尔的婚礼宴席上玩得很开心。
UK ['wɒl.ə.pɪŋ] US ['wɑ:.lə-] noun only singular informal
■when someone is severely punished by being hit (作为惩罚的)狠揍,痛打
I got such a walloping from my father when he came home.我爸爸回家后痛打了我一顿。
■when someone is badly defeated in a competition 形容某人在比赛中惨败
We gave the visiting team a real walloping.我们把作客的球队打得落花流水。




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