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单词 wake
释义 wake
[weɪk] verb intransitive or transitive (woke or waked, woken or waked or US ALSO woke) (also wake up) US ALSO
■to (cause someone to) become awake and conscious after sleeping 醒来;叫醒,吵醒
Did you wake at all during the night?夜里你一点都没醒吗?
Please wake me early tomorrow.明天请早点叫醒我。
I woke up with a headache.我醒来时觉得头痛。
Jane's hand on my shoulder woke me out of/from a bad dream.简的手放在我肩上,把我从噩梦中摇醒。
[weɪk] verb intransitive or transitive (woke or waked, woken or waked or US ALSO woke) (also wake up) US ALSO
Wake up!
■something you say to tell someone to listen or to become involved when they have not been listening or paying attention 注意听!注意点!
Wake up, Daniel! It's your turn.注意点,丹尼尔!轮到你了。
[weɪk] verb intransitive or transitive (woke or waked, woken or waked or US ALSO woke) (also wake up) US ALSO
wake up and smell the coffee informal
■used to tell someone that they are wrong about a particular situation and that they must realize what is really happening (用于告诉某人)认清形势,正视目前的情况
[weɪk] verb intransitive or transitive (woke or waked, woken or waked or US ALSO woke) (also wake up) US ALSO
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] wake (sb) up
■to (cause to) become conscious after sleeping (某人)醒来;叫醒(某人),弄醒(某人)
Come on, wake up - breakfast is ready.快点,快醒醒——早饭都准备好了。
He woke himself up with his own snoring!他打鼾都把自己打醒了!
■to start to react to a situation after a period in which you have done very little, or to make someone start to react to a situation (使)(某人)清醒过来,(使)(某人)反应过来
Companies need to wake up and take notice of the public's increasing concern with the environment.各企业需要清醒过来,注意了解公众对环境的日益关注。
[weɪk] verb intransitive or transitive (woke or waked, woken or waked or US ALSO woke) (also wake up) US ALSO
  Phrasal Verbs   wake up to sth
■to start to understand that a situation or problem exists 开始意识到(问题)
Governments are finally waking up to the fact that the environment should be cleaned up.各国政府终于开始意识到应该整治环境这个事实。
[weɪk] noun countable
■the waves that a moving ship or object leaves behind (航行的船只等留下的)尾流,航迹
The wake spread out in a v-shape behind the ship.轮船的航迹呈V字形在船后扩散开来。
[weɪk] noun countable
■when the family and friends of a dead person meet in order to look at the dead body the night before it is buried, or when they meet after a dead person has been buried to drink and talk about the person's life (葬礼前后的)守灵,守夜
[weɪk] noun countable
in the wake of sth
■If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it 作为…的后果;随…之后而来
Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.昨天的炸弹袭击发生之后,机场安检变得格外严格。
[weɪk] noun countable
leave sth in your wake
■to go somewhere new, leaving problems, confusion, etc. behind you, that you have caused (离开某地)留下(麻烦或一片混乱等)
The soldiers rampaged through the town centre, leaving chaos in their wake.士兵们在市中心横冲直撞,留下一片狼藉。




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