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单词 view
释义 view
[vju:] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■an opinion or belief or idea, or a way of thinking about something 观点;见解;看法
Do you have any views about/on what we should do now?对于我们现在该做甚么你有甚么看法?
In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.在我看来,她的批评完全在理。
[+ that] It's my view that the price is much too high.在我看来,这个价格太高了。
Many people have/hold/share/take the view that children should not be smacked.很多人都认为不应该扇孩子耳光。
Everyone will have a chance to make their views known at the meeting.每个人都有在会上表达自己看法的机会。
We had a friendly exchange of views (= discussion).我们友好地交换了意见。
I take a very dim/poor view of this kind of behaviour (= think that this type of behaviour is unacceptable).我认为这种行为让人无法接受。
world view
■a way of thinking about the world 世界观
Our world view is quite different from that of writers in the fourth century BC.我们的世界观与西元前四世纪那些作家们的大不相同。
[vju:] noun
 IMPROVER  countable or uncountable
■what you can see from a particular place, or the ability to see from a particular place 景象;视野;视域
The view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking/magnificent/spectacular.从山顶上望去,景色令人叹为观止/美不胜收/壮观极了。
The rooftop restaurant affords a panoramic view (= allows you to see a wide area) across the bay.从这家屋顶餐厅可以看到海湾的全貌。
Don't stand in front of me - you're blocking/obstructing my view of the stage.别站在我前面——你挡着,我看不见舞台了。
The cloud lifted, and the tops of the mountains suddenly came into view (= could be seen).云层散去,群山的顶峰突然出现在眼前。
She turned a corner, and disappeared from view] out of view.她转了个弯,消失不见了。
■a picture of a particular place 风景画;风景照片
He paints rural views (= pictures of the countryside).他画的是乡村风景。
in view UK
■close enough to be seen 看得见;在视野范围内
I always make sure I keep the children in view whenever we're in a public place.在公共场所我总是要确保孩子们在我的视线之内。
on view
■If something is on view, it is arranged so that it can be seen by the public 在展出
The plans for the new road will soon be on view to the public in the library.修建新公路的计划将很快在图书馆公示。
[vju:] noun
in view of sth
■because of a particular thing, or considering a particular fact 因为;考虑到
In view of what you've said, I think we should reconsider our proposed course of action.考虑到你刚才所说的,我认为我们应该重新考虑拟订的行动计划。
[vju:] noun
with a view to doing sth
■with the aim of doing something 目的是,为了
These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits.采取这些措施的目的是为了增加公司的利润。
[vju:] verb
 IMPROVER  transitive
■to have a particular opinion or way of thinking about someone or something 看待;考虑
The journalist asked the minister how he viewed recent events.记者问部长如何看待最近发生的那些事件。
She is viewed as a strong candidate for the job.她被认为是那个职位的有力争夺者。
We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.我们对这些最新进展表示关注/怀疑/满意。
If we view the problem from a different angle , a solution may become more obvious.如果我们从不同的角度看这个问题,可能更容易找到解决办法。
How do you view your prospects/chances (= What do you consider your chances to be) in tomorrow's race?你觉得明天比赛的把握有多大?
[vju:] verb
 ADVANCED  intransitive or transitive
■to watch something 看;观看
There's a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and landing.机场里有一个特定的区域,在那里你可以看到飞机起落。
Viewing figures (= the number of people watching programmes) for the show were very low.这个节目的收视率非常低。
intransitive or transitive
■to look at something in a complete or careful way 查看;审视
I haven't had a chance to actually view the house yet.实际上我还没有机会仔细看过那所房子。
The extent of the flooding can only be fully appreciated when viewed from the air.只有从空中观察才能全面了解洪水的严重程度。




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