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单词 vest
释义 vest
[vest] noun countable
 ADVANCED  UK (US undershirt) (Australian singlet)
■a type of underwear, often with no sleeves, which covers the upper part of the body and which is worn for extra warmth (无袖保暖)内衣;(贴身穿的)背心
a cotton/woollen/string vest纯棉/羊毛/网眼背心
She always wore a long-sleeved thermal vest in winter.她冬天总是穿一件长袖保暖内衣。
■UK (also vest top)
■a shirt without sleeves, usually made out of cotton, which is worn in the summer or for sport 汗背心;运动背心
The cyclists were all dressed in tight lycra shorts and the official team vest.自行车运动员全都穿着紧身弹力短裤和正式的运动队背心。
He wore a vest top and a pair of luminous shorts to the beach party.他穿着背心和鲜艳的短裤去参加海滩聚会。
US for * waistcoat
[vest] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   be vested in sb/sth (also be vested with sth) formal
■If power or authority is vested in someone or something, or if they are vested with power or authority, it is officially given to them (权力等)归属于;拥有,被赋予(权力)
Control has been vested in local authorities.地方当局拥有控制权。
He has been vested with the power/authority to implement whatever changes he sees fit.他有权实行他认为合适的任何变革。




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