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单词 bind
释义 bind
[baɪnd] verb (bound, bound)
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to tie tightly or to fasten 捆绑,捆扎
They bound the packages with brightly coloured ribbon.他们用鲜艳的彩带把包裹扎起来。
Bind together the two broken ends.把断了的两端连起来。
The prisoner was bound hand and foot.那名囚犯手脚被绑。
■to unite people 使团结;使联合
The things which bind them together are greater than their differences.将他们团结在一起的力量胜过他们的分歧。
transitive (also bind up)
■To bind a part of the body, especially a part which is damaged, is to tie something round it 包扎
He had already bound the child's arm when I arrived.当我到达时,他已经把孩子的手臂包扎好了。
■to sew or stick material along the edges of something such as a jacket, in order to make it stronger or to decorate it 给…镶边;缝牢…的边
■to make separate pieces of paper into a book 装订(书籍);把…装订成册
There are several different ways to bind a book, for example you can stitch or stick the pages together.钉装书籍的方法有几种,比如你可以将书页缝在一起或黏在一起。
⇒ See also bookbinding
intransitive or transitive
■When an egg or water is used especially in cooking to bind something it provides a way of making everything stick together in a solid mass (使)黏合;(使)凝结
The mixture wouldn't bind (together).这种混合物不会凝结。
[baɪnd] verb (bound, bound)
  Phrasal Verbs   [usually passive] bind sb to sth
■to force someone to keep a promise 使(某人)保证;迫使(某人)遵守约定
His sister had been bound to secrecy.他妹妹被迫承诺保守秘密。
We are bound to the original contract.我们都要遵守原本的合约。
[baɪnd] noun only singular informal
■a difficult situation in which you are prevented from acting as you might like 困境
Having to visit her every week is a terrible bind.每周都要拜访她,真令人难受。
Borrowing money may put you in a real bind.借钱可能会令你真正陷入困境。




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