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单词 triangle
释义 triangle
['traɪ.æŋ.gl] noun countable
■a flat shape with three straight sides 三角形
an equilateral/isosceles triangle等边/等腰三角形
■anything which has three straight sides 三角形物
Which earrings did you buy in the end - the triangles or the circles?最后你买了甚么样的耳环——三角形的还是圆的?
■a musical instrument consisting of a thin metal bar bent into a triangle shape which is hit with a metal bar to make a sound 三角铁(打击乐器)
US for * setsquare
(also frame)
■a three-sided frame for arranging the balls at the start of a game of billiards , pool , etc. 三角板(一种三边的框架,用于在撞球、弹子球等比赛开始时把球放好)




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