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单词 treble
释义 treble
['treb.l] predeterminer
■three times greater in amount, number or size 三倍的
He earns almost treble the amount that I do.他赚的钱差不多是我的三倍。
['treb.l] verb intransitive or transitive
■to increase three times in size or amount, or to make something do this (使)成三倍,(使)增加两倍
The price of property has almost trebled in the last ten years.在过去十年里,房地产价格几乎涨了两倍。
['treb.l] adverb [before noun] adjective
■being or relating to a boy's voice which sings the highest notes, or an instrument that plays the highest notes (男童声)唱最高声部的;(乐器)奏最高声部的
He sings treble.他唱最高声部。
a treble voice高音
['treb.l] noun countable
■someone with a treble voice 童声高音歌手
This part is for a boy treble.这部分是给男童声高音歌手唱的。
Compare soprano




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