thump [θʌmp] verb intransitive or transitive ■to hit someone with your fist (= closed hand) or to hit something and cause a noise 重击,捶击•He thumped him in the face.他一拳狠狠打在他的脸上。 •He thumped on the door but nobody came.他使劲敲门,但没人来应。 sb's head thumps ■If your head thumps, you can eel pain in strong beats in your head (某人)头痛欲裂•When I woke up my mouth was dry and my head was thumping.我醒来时口干舌燥、头痛欲裂。 sb's heart thumps ■If your heart thumps, it beats more strongly and quickly than usual, because of exercise, fear or excitement (某人)心怦怦直跳•She stood outside his room, her heart thumping.她站在他的房门外,心怦怦直跳。 [θʌmp] noun countable usually singular ■when you thump someone or something 重击,捶击•If he does that again I'm going to give him a thump (= hit him with my closed hand).如果他再那样做,我要好好捶他一顿。 ■when something falls heavily, or the sound this makes 砰然落下,或物体落下的声音•She fell to the floor with a thump.她重重地摔倒在地上。 |