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单词 thanks
释义 thanks
[θæŋks] exclamation
 ESSENTIAL  informal
thank you
"Shall I do that for you?" "No, thanks."“要我帮忙吗?” “不用,谢谢。”
[θæŋks] exclamation
thanks for nothing (also thanks a bunch) (also thanks a lot)
■used to show you are annoyed when someone has done something you are unhappy about or has failed to help you in some way (表示恼怒)多谢你做的好事,不劳你费神;(用作反话)多谢你的帮助
"I told Dad you'd love to wash his car." "Thanks a lot."“我告诉爸爸你愿意帮他洗车。” “多谢你做的好事。”
Thanks a lot for supporting me (= You did not support me).多谢你的“鼎力”相助。
[θæŋks] plural noun
■words or actions that show you are grateful or pleased about something 谢意;感谢;感激
They expressed their thanks to the organisers.他们对组织者表达了谢意。
He wrote a letter of thanks to the hospital.他给医院写了一封感谢信。
Let us give thanks to God.让我们感谢上苍吧。
[θæŋks] plural noun
no thanks to sb
■despite 不是由于(某人)
It's no thanks to you that I arrived on time.我准时赶到没你甚么功劳。
[θæŋks] plural noun
thanks to sb/sth
■because of someone or something 幸亏;由于,因为
It's thanks to Sandy that I heard about the job.幸亏桑迪我才得知那份工作的事。
disapproving The baby is awake thanks to your shouting.都怪你大喊大叫,把婴儿吵醒了。




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